


Instal·lació / Installation

  • Opcions / Options
    1. Normalment Python s'instal·la fent servir la gestió de paquets de la vostra distribució / Usually installed from package in your distribution
    2. Si us cal una versió específica de Python (per exemple per a fer servir des de tox), us la podeu baixar, compilar i instal·lar / If you need a specific version of Python (e.g. to be use with tox), you can download, compile and install it:
      • Download
      • cd Python...
      • ./configure
      • make
      • sudo make altinstall # do not overwrite already installed version
      • uninstall
        • sudo rm -f /usr/local/bin/{python3*,pip3*,2to3*,pyvenv*,easy_install-3*,idle3*,pydoc3*}
        • sudo rm -f /usr/local/lib/libpython3.6m.a
        • sudo rm -rf /usr/local/lib/python3.6
        • sudo rm -rf /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/python-3.6*
        • sudo rm -rf /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/{python3.pc,python-3.6m.pc,python-3.6.pc}
    3. Gestors d'entorns / Environment managers
  • Gestors d'entorns / Environment managers

    • entorn paquets
      pyenv/pip pyenv pip, pipx
      conda conda conda
    • pyenv
      • baixarà, compilarà i instal·larà pyhon a ~/.pyenv/versions/
      • Dependències / Dependencies
        • Suggested build environment
        • Mageia 9
          • sudo dnf install git gcc make lib64zlib-devel lib64bz2-devel lib64ncurses-devel lib64readline-devel lib64openssl-devel lib64sqlite3-devel lib64ffi-devel lib64tk-devel
        • Ubuntu
          • sudo apt install gcc make zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev libncurses-dev libreadline-dev ... libsqlite3-dev libffi-dev tk-dev ...
      • Instal·lació / Installation
        • pyenv-installer
          1. curl | bash
          2. echo '# Load pyenv automatically' >>~/.bashrc
            echo 'export PYENV_ROOT="$HOME/.pyenv"' >>~/.bashrc
            echo 'command -v pyenv >/dev/null || export PATH="$PYENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH"' >>~/.bashrc
            echo 'eval "$(pyenv init -)"' >>~/.bashrc
        • ...
      • Ús / Usage

        • get set stored in
          available versions pyenv versions pyenv install 3.10
          used version pyenv version

          global pyenv global pyenv global 3.10
          local pyenv local cd <path_to_my_project>
          pyenv local 3.10
          shell (local temporal) pyenv shell pyenv shell 3.10 PYENV_VERSION
        • list installed versions
        • virtualenv
          • pyenv virtualenv 3.8 myproject-3.8
            cd myproject
            pyenv local myproject-3.8
          • Eclipse:
            • no agafa automàticament el valor especificat dins de myproject/.python-version
            • sinó que cal especificar l'interpreter:
              • ~/.pyenv/versions/myproject-3.8/bin/python
        • ...
    • conda
      • Instal·lació
        • ...
      • Ús / Usage
        • Cheat sheet
        • crea un entorn
          • conda create -n my-environment
          • els entorns s'instal·laran a:
            • ~/.conda/envs/
        • llista dels entorns
          • conda env list
        • activa un entorn
          • conda activate my-environment
        • instal·la ... en l'entorn activat:
          • conda install -c conda-forge manim
      • Exemples
      • Configuració de PyDev i Eclipse:
        • ...
      • ...

Python 3

  • Porting Python 2 Code to Python 3
    1. check good coverage of tests: use
      • Django: Integration with coverage
        • pip install coverage
        • coverage run --source='.' --omit='env/*,*/migrations/*' test
        • coverage report
        • coverage html
          • firefox htmlcov/index.html
    2. make your code compatible with python 2 and python 3: use futurize (based on lib2to3 and use fixers from 2to3, 3to2, and python-modernize) or modernize
      • pip install future
      • Django
        • cd myproject
        • stage 1
          • futurize --stage1 myproject/*.py
          • futurize --stage1 -w myproject/*.py
          • for every app:
            • futurize --stage1 myapp/*.py
            • futurize --stage1 -w myapp/*.py
            • futurize --stage1 myapp/*/*.py
            • futurize --stage1 -w myapp/*/*.py
          • run tests
        • stage 2
          • NOTE: if you already made the effort to protect your urllib imports with six.PY2, you may want futurize not to replace imports under six.PY2:
            • futurize --stage2 --nofix=libfuturize.fixes.fix_future_standard_library --nofix=libfuturize.fixes.fix_future_standard_library_urllib myproject/*.py
          • futurize --stage2 myproject/*.py
          • futurize --stage2 -w myproject/*.py
          • for every app:
            • futurize --stage2 myapp/*.py
            • futurize --stage2 -w myapp/*.py
            • futurize --stage2 myapp/*/*.py
            • futurize --stage2 -w myapp/*/*.py
          • run tests
      • ...
    3. clean your code: use pylint
    4. check whether dependent modules can be ported to python 3: use caniusepython3
    5. test your code under several versions of python: use tox
  • Supporting Python 3: An in-depth guide
  • Detection of python version
    • ...
    • using six:
  • Porting Code to Python 3 with 2to3
  • Cheat Sheet: Writing Python 2-3 compatible code
    • Python 2 Python 3
      print print()
      .iteritems() .items()
      class Meta from builtins import object
      class Meta(object)

      ....keys() list(....keys())
      ....items() list(....items())
      string.letters string.ascii_letters
      open(my_binary_file) # to avoid: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0x89 in position 0: invalid start byte
      open(my_binary_file, 'rb') next(a)
      except Exception as e:
          # deprecated
      except Exception as e:
      super(MyClass, self) super(MyClass, self)
      super() # preferred
  • Lambda functions
    • How to Use Python Lambda Functions (Real Python)
    • funcions petites, anònimes (tot i qu ese li pot assignar un nom)
    • basades en lambda calculus (Alonzo Church)
    • Tipus de llenguatges de programació
      • llenguatge funcional (càlcul lambda; no manté cap estat)
      • llenguatge imperatiu (màquina de Turing, basat en estats)
    • Python és un llenguatge imperatiu, però incorpora alguns conceptes funcionals:
      • map()
      • filter()
      • reduce()
      • lambda
    • Exemples:
      funció lambda definition lambda usage
      def <function_name> (<arguments>):
      lambda <bound_variable_1>, <bound_variable_2>: <body>
      def identitat(x):
          return x
      lambda x: x
      def add_one(x):
          return x+1
      • lambda x: x+1
      • add_one = lambda x: x+1

      # IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expresssion)
      (lambda x, y: x + y)(2, 3)

      high_ord_func = lambda x, func: x + func(x) high_ord_func(2, lambda x: x * x)
    • Anàlisi de funcions i lambdes:
      • dis (Disassembler for Python bytecode)
    • Diferències entre funcions i lambdes
      funció lambda
      l'excepció et diu el nom de la funció l'excepció només et diu <lambda>

      només pot contenir expressions; no statements (return, pass, assert, raise)

      expressió única (però es pot posar en diverses línies si es fan servir parèntesis)

      no suporta anotacions de tipus (type hinting)

      es pot invocar immediatament (IIFE) des de l'intèrpret de Python
    • Decoradors
      • def my_decorator(f):
            def wrap(*args, **kwargs):
            return wrap
        function lambda
        def my_function(x)
            return ...
        (my_decorator(lambda x: ...)(...))
    • ...
  • Context manager, iterator

    ús class function expresssion
    context manager
    • with ... as ...
    class-based context manager
    • class ...
          def __enter__()
          def __exit__()
    function-based context manager
    • @contextmanager
      def ...
          yield ...

    context manager
    • async with ... as ...
    class-based asynchronous context manager
    • class ...
          async def __aenter__() # task
          async def __aexit__() # task

    • next(...)
    • for ...
    iterator object
    • class ...
          def __iter__()
      # if the class defines __next__,
              # then __iter__ can just return self
          def __next__()
    generator function
    • def ...
          yield ...
    • def ...
          yield from ...
    generator expression
    • ... = (...)
    • next(...)
    • send(...)

    • def ...
      ... = (yield ...)

    • ...
    • async for ...
    asynchronous iterator object
    • class ...
          # see #6272
          def __aiter__()
          async def __anext__() # is a task
              await ...
              raise StopAsyncIteration

    • inicia l'scheduler i hi posa la tasca principal
    • afegeix una tasca a l'scheduler, però no s'executarà fins que es cridi qualsevol await
      • asyncio.create_task(...)
    • executa una tasca
      • await ...
    • executa una tasca amb un timeout
      • await asyncio.wait_for(..., ...)
    • from context manager
      (__await__, a generator function, must return self)
      • with await ... as ...
      • async with ... as ...
    awaitable class:
    • Python: __await__ must be a generator function
    • CPython:
      • task≠generator;
      • CPython task: __await__ returns a generator
    • micropython:
      • task=generator
    • class ...
          def __await__(self):
    awaitable object: it can be used in an await expression
    • coroutine
    • task
      • defined with async def
      • at least one await statement
      • async def ...
            await ...
    • future

  • Context manager
    • context manager: An object which controls the environment seen in a with statement by defining __enter__() and __exit__() methods. See PEP 343.
    • Info
    • with statement
      • with expression as target_var:
      • with A() as a, B() as b:
    • context manager protocol (Context Manager Types):

      • asyncio

        with A() as a:
        with A() as a, B() as b:
        async with A as a:
        class-based context manager class A:
            # provides the setup code
            # return is bonded to as
            # provides the cleanup code
        def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb):
        class A:
            async def __aenter__(self)
            async def __aexit__(self, ...)
        function-based context manager from contextlib import contextmanager

        def a():
            print("Entering the context...")
            yield "Hello, World!"
            print("Leaving the context...")

    • bad approach try-finally approach with approach
      file = open("hello.txt", "w")
      file.write("Hello, World!")
      file = open("hello.txt", "w")

          file.write("Hello, World!")
      open file:
      • with open("hello.txt", mode="w") as file:
            file.write("Hello, World!")
      • try:
            with open("hello.txt", mode="w") as file:
                file.write("Hello, World!")
        except Exception as e:

      open file with Path:
      • import pathlib

        file_path = pathlib.Path("hello.txt")
        with"w") as file:
                file.write("Hello, World!")

      scan dirs:
      • import os

        with os.scandir(".") as entries:
             for entry in entries:
                 print(, "->", entry.stat().st_size, "bytes")

      number of decimals:
      • from decimal import Decimal, localcontext

        with localcontext() as ctx:
             ctx.prec = 42
             Decimal("1") / Decimal("42")

      • import threading

        my_lock = threading.Lock()

            # do something
      • import threading

        my_lock = threading.Lock()

        with my_lock:
            # do something

      • import pytest

        with pytest.raises(...):

      unittest (Django)

      • async def check(url):
            async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
                async with session.get(url) as response:
                    print(f"{url}: status -> {response.status}")
                    html = await response.text()
                    print(f"{url}: type -> {html[:17].strip()}")

    • ...
  • Iterable
    type(my_func) definició i creació
    access as a collections.Iterable (__iter__) access as a collections.Iterator (__next__)
    (subclass of collections.Iterable)

    my_var = ()
    my_var = []
    my_var = {}
    my_var = set()
    my_var = frozenset()
    my_var = ""
    my_var = b""
    my_var = bytearray()
    my_var = range(0)
    my_var = memoryview(b"")
    <class 'tuple'>
    <class 'list'>
    <class 'dict'>
    <class 'set'>
    <class 'frozenset'>
    <class 'str'>
    <class 'bytes'>
    <class 'bytearray'>
    <class 'range'>
    <class 'memoryview'>
    • for n in my_var:
    • next(my_var)
      TypeError: 'xxx' object is not an iterator
    But we can create an iterator from it:
    • my_iterator = iter(my_var)
      type(my_iterator) # <class 'xxx_iterator'>
    <class 'function'>
    function returning a list:
    • def my_func(stop):
          result = []
          for num in range(stop):
              result += [num**2]
          return result

      my_var = my_func(4)
    comprehensive list:
    • my_var = [num**2 for num in range(4)]
    <class 'list'>
    • # it can be accessed infinite times
      for n in my_var:
    • next(my_var)
      TypeError: 'list' object is not an iterator
    But we can create an iterator from it:
    • my_iterator = iter(my_var)
      type(my_iterator) # <class 'list_iterator'>
      next(my_iterator) # 0
      next(my_iterator) # 1
      next(my_iterator) # 4
      next(my_iterator) # 9
      next(my_iterator) # StopIteration
    <class 'function'>
    generator (simple and powerful tool for creating iterators) function (contains yield as an statement):
    • def my_func(stop):
          for num in range(stop):
              yield num**2 # return value and pause the execution until next call

      my_var = my_func(4)
    En MicroPython uasync, un generador i una tasca són idèntics; en CPython són diferents.
    generator expression:
    • my_var = (num**2 for num in range(4))
    <class 'generator'>
    (because of yield or implicit yield)

    • # it can only be accessed once
      for n in my_var:
    • next(my_var) # 0
      next(my_var) # 1
      next(my_var) # 4
      next(my_var) # 9
      next(my_var) # StopIteration

    generator as a coroutine (contains yield as an expression, on the right of an assignement; it can receive values sent to it with .send())
    • def my_func(stop):
          num = 0
          while num < stop:
              received = (yield num**2) # return or receive value and pause the execution until next call
              if received:
                  # from: ...send(something)
                  num = received
                  # from: next(...) or ...send(None)
                  num += 1
      my_var = my_func(4)
    En asyncio, una corutina es defineix amb:
    • import asyncio

      def bar(t):
          await asyncio.sleep(t)

    • next(my_var) # 0
      next(my_var) # 1
      my_var.send(3) # 9
      next(my_var) # StopIteration
    En asyncio:
    • # a coro is awaitable
      await bar(1)
    • # a task is awaitable
      task = asyncio.create_task( bar(5) )

    cooperative delegation to sub-coroutine with yield from:
    • def my_sub_func(stop):
          num = 0
          while num < stop:
              yield num**2
              num += 1

      def my_func(sub_func):
              yield from sub_func
          except GeneratorExit:
              return sub_func.close()

      my_sub_var = my_sub_func(4)
      my_var = my_func(my_sub_var)

    • next(my_var) # 0
      next(my_var) # 1
      next(my_var) # 4
      next(my_var) # 9

      next(my_var) # StopIteration
    <class 'type'>
    iterator object (implements __iter__ and __next__):
    • class MyClass:
          def __init__(self, stop):
              self.x = 0
              self.stop = stop
          def __iter__(self):
              # if the class defines __next__, then __iter__ can just return self
              return self
          def __next__(self):
              if self.x < self.stop:
                  result = self.x ** 2
                  self.x += 1
                  return result
                  # Iterators must raise when done, else considered broken
                  raise StopIteration

      my_object = MyClass(4)
    En asyncio, una awaitable class es defineix:
    • ...

    <class '__main__.MyClass'>
    • # it can only be accessed once
      for n in my_object:
    • next(my_object) # 0
      next(my_object) # 1
      next(my_object) # 4
      next(my_object) # 9

      next(my_object) # StopIteration
    En asyncio:
    • my_awaitable_object = MyAwaitableClass()
      result = await my_awaitable_object
    • # a typical firmware app
      my_awaitable_object = MyAwaitableClass()
      my_task = asyncio.create_task(
      await my_task
    • # a typical firmware app
      my_awaitable_object = MyAwaitableClass()
      await my_awaitable_object.run_forever()
  • Iterador / Iterator
    • 9.8 Iterators
    • What is the difference between iterators and generators? Some examples for when you would use each case would be helpful.
    • un iterator és una classe que té els mètodes: 
      • __iter__: fa que sigui un iterable (com una llista, un diccionari, ...)
      • __next__: implementa l'iterator protocol
    • un iterador s'esgota
    • un generador (funció amb yield) és una manera simple i compacta de crear un iterador; el generador és un subtipus d'iterador
    • quan es crida un generator retorna la instància d'un objecte generator
    • Generador / Generator
      • és una manera simple i compacta de crear un iterador; el generator és un subtipus d'iterator
      • una funció és un generador pel sol fet de tenir un yield (com a statement o bé com a expressió)
      • 9.9 Generators
      • “RuntimeError: generator raised StopIteration” every time I try to run app
      • How to Use Generators and yield in Python
        • generador: fa servir yield en lloc de return
        • després d'arribar al yield, s'atura, però no surt de la funció
        • dues maneres de crear un generador:
          • generator function
            • def nums_squared():
                  for num in range(5):
                      yield num**2
            • nums_squared_generator = nums_squared()
          • generator expression
            • assumed yield at the end of each inner iteration
            • like list comprehensions (but lists use memory):
              • nums_squared_list_comprehension = [num**2 for num in range(5)]
            • nums_squared_generator_comprehension = (num**2 for num in range(5))
            • comparació de la mida
              • import sys
            • comparació del temps d'execució:
              • import CProfile
      'sum([i * 2 for i in range(10000)])')
      'sum((i * 2 for i in range(10000)))')
        • advanced generator methods
          • .send()
            • per a crear una corutina: una funció generadora a la qual se li poden passar dades
            • a partir de python 2.5, yield, a més de ser un statement, es pot fer servir com a expression (PEP-342); per exemple, a la part dreta d'una assignació (line = (yield))
            • Sending None is the same as calling next (PEP-0342)
              • "before you can communicate with a coroutine you must first call next() or send(None) to advance its execution to the first yield expression."
            • A Curious Course on Coroutines and Concurrency
              • un yield atura l'execució i la passa al codi que ha cridat el generador; això es pot fer servir per a tenir un sistema multitasca dins de python
          • .throw()
          • .close()
        • Creating data pipelines with generators
          • ...
        • Exemples
          • def fibonacci():
                # 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, ...
                previous_value = -1
                present_value = 1
                while True:
                    new_value = present_value + previous_value
                    yield new_value
                    previous_value = present_value
                    present_value = new_value

            # next is called 5 times
            f1 = fibonacci()

            # next is called 5 times inside a for loop
            f2 = fibonacci()
            for _ in range(5):
            # infinite loop (CTRl-C to stop)
            for i in fibonacci():
        • ...
  • Strings and bytes
    • Cadena / String
    • Unicode
    • Text Vs. Data Instead Of Unicode Vs. 8-bit

      • python 2 python 3

        type creation
        (not recommended)
        (to be used by 2to3)

        type creation
        unencoded unicode strings <type 'unicode'> u'ànima' unicode(...) text (unicode)
        • <class 'str'> (unmutable)
        encoded, binary 8-bit strings <type 'str'>
        str('ànima') binary data b'...'
      • conversion in Python3
        • from (row) -> to (column)

          str bytes
          • my_str.encode()
          • bytes(my_str, encode='utf-8')
          • my_bytes.decode()
          • str(my_bytes, encode='utf-8')


  • The Pyhton tutorial
  • PEP
  • Estil / Style
  • Fitxer / File (shebang)
    • #!/usr/bin/env python3
      # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    • ...
  • Python (Raspberry Pi)
  • PyPI: the Python package index
  • Python Documentation contents
    • The Python standard library
      • Built-in Functions
        • print
          • from __future__ import print_function
        • format
          • Format Specification Mini-Language
          • 4 decimals:
            • a = 123.45
          • left-aligned text and right-aligned value:
            • title = "My title:"
              value = 123.45
              print("{:<20}{:>20.4f}".format(title, value))
          • ...
        • type 
          • if type(myvar) is int
        • isinstance 
          • import six
            if isinstance(myvar, (basestring))
        • Dades / Data
          • ...
            type create create element set element check for key retrieve element get index remove element join all elements
            Object class MyModel:
                myfield1 = 'myvalue1'

            myobject = MyModel()

            myobject.myfield1 = 'mynewvalue' hasattr(myobject, 'myfield1')
            • myobject.myfield1
            • getattr(myobject, 'myfield1', 'mydefaultvalue')

            • mydict = {}
            • mydict = {'mykey1':'myvalue1', 'mykey2':'myvalue2'}
            mydict['mykey3'] = 'myvalue3' mydict['mykey1'] = 'mynewvalue1' 'mykey1' in mydict
            • mydict['mykey1']
            • mydict.get('mykey1','mydefaultvalue')

            • mydict.pop('mykey1')
            mydict.update(myotherdict) for k, v in list(mydict.items()):
            • mylist = []
            • mylist = ['myvalue1','myvalue2']
            'myvalue1' in mylist
            • mylist[0]
            • mylist.pop(0)
            • try:
            mylist + myotherlist for i in mylist:
            • mytuple = ()
            • mytuple = ('myvalue1','myvalue2',)
            mytuple += ('myvalue3',)
            'myvalue1' in mytuple
            • mytuple[0]
            mytuple + myothertuple
            • myset = set()


          • Loops
            • compact
              • ["{}-{}".format(a,b) for a,b in ...]
          • Create a dict from a list
            • Python : How to convert a list to dictionary ?
            • >>> mylist = [{'first_key':'value_f1', 'second_key':'value_s1'}, {'first_key':'value_f2', 'second_key':'value_s2'}]
              >>> a = {b['first_key']:b['second_key'] for b in mylist}
              >>> a
              {'value_f1': 'value_s1', 'value_f2': 'value_s2'}
          • Search/filter from a list of dicts:
            • Python select from a list + Examples
            • a = [{'name':'myname1','address':'myaddress11'}, {'name':'myname1','address':'myaddress12'}, {'name':'myname2','address':'myaddress21'},]
              elements_from_myname1 = [c for c in a if c['name']=='myname1']
              addresses_from_myname1 = [c['address'] for c in a if c['name']=='myname1']
          • Flatten
          • Compare lists, dicts ...
        • ...
      • Built-in Constants
      • Built-in Types
      • Built-in Exceptions
      • Text Processing Services
        • Expressions regulars / Regular expressions
          • 7.2. re — Regular expression operations
          • URL parsing
          • Exemple / Example
            • import re
              import dateutil.parser

              regex = re.compile(r'.*_(.*)')

              # get datetime from the following string: 
              name = 'toto_2016-10-25T133700Z'

              m =
              if m:
                  extracted_datetime = dateutil.parser.parse( m.groups()[0] )
          • Remove elements from a list according to a regular expression (files: *.min.js, *.min.css)
            • import re
              list_with_min_js = ['primer.js', 'segon.min.js', 'tercer.js']
              regex = re.compile(r'.*.min.js|.*.min.css')
              list_without_min_js = [i for i in list_with_min_js if not]
              # returns: ['primer.js', 'tercer.js']
          • Substrings (trim)
          • ...
      • Binary Data Services
      • Data Types
        • Data / Date
          • 8.1 datetime
            • 8.1.7 strftime() and strptime() Behavior
              • now in UTC and ISO-8601 format
                • import datetime
                  now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
                  now.isoformat() # 2017-06-14T09:57:56.145575
                  now.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ') # 2017-06-14T09:57:56.145575Z
              • build a datetime from string
                • import datetime
                  mydate = datetime.datetime.strptime('20201201T100102', '%Y%m%dT%H%M%S')
              • now in naive and aware:
                • >>> datetime.datetime.utcnow()
                  datetime.datetime(2023, 5, 29, 17, 55, 5, 890540)
                • >>>
                  datetime.datetime(2023, 5, 29, 17, 55, 6, 615502, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
                • >>>
                  datetime.datetime(2023, 5, 30, 20, 45, 25, 701462, tzinfo=datetime.timezone(datetime.timedelta(seconds=7200), 'CEST'))

                • >>>, 'CEST'))
                  datetime.datetime(2023, 5, 30, 20, 50, 5, 125038, tzinfo=datetime.timezone(datetime.timedelta(seconds=7200), 'CEST'))

                • >>>
                  datetime.datetime(2023, 5, 29, 19, 55, 7, 561511)
              • (using pytz: DEPRECATED; migration guide, pytz-deprecation-shim) convert from naive to aware:
                • import datetime
                  import pytz

                  mydate_winter_naive = datetime.datetime.strptime('2020-02-01T00:00:00', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
                  mydate_winter_naive.isoformat() # '2020-02-01T00:00:00'

                  mydate_summer_naive = datetime.datetime.strptime('2020-08-01T00:00:00', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
                  mydate_summer_naive.isoformat() #

                  # convert datetime from naive to aware (utc):
                  utc = pytz.utc
                  mydate_winter_aware_utc = utc.localize(mydate_winter_naive)
                  mydate_winter_aware_utc.isoformat() # '2020-02-01T00:00:00+00:00'

                  mydate_summer_aware_utc = utc.localize(mydate_summer_naive)
                  mydate_summer_aware_utc.isoformat() # '2020-08-01T00:00:00+00:00'

                  # convert datetime from naive to aware (Europe/Andorra)
                  mydate_winter_aware_andorra = mydate_winter_naive.astimezone(pytz.timezone('Europe/Andorra'))
                  mydate_winter_aware_andorra.isoformat() # '2020-02-01T00:00:00+01:00'
                  mydate_summer_aware_andorra = mydate_summer_naive.astimezone(pytz.timezone('Europe/Andorra')) mydate_summer_aware_andorra.isoformat() # '2020-08-01T00:00:00+02:00'
              • convert from ISO-8601 string to datetime
                • import dateutil.parser
                  yourdate = dateutil.parser.parse(datestring)

                • my_time = strptime( my_string, '...')
              • convert seconds to HH:MM:SS
                • without second fractions
                  • import time

                    time_in_hh_mm_ss = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(time_in_seconds_int))
                • with second fractions
                  • # similar to timedelta.__str__
                    def _to_hh_mm_ss_ms(seconds):
                        mm, ss = divmod(seconds, 60)
                        hh, mm = divmod(mm, 60)
                        fraction_seconds = seconds - int(seconds)
                        s = "{:d}:{:02d}:{:02d}.{:03d}".format(hh, mm, ss, fraction_seconds)
                        return s

                  • import datetime
                    # no fractional part if it is 0
                    time_in_hh_mm_ss = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=duration_seconds_float))
                  • import datetime
                    import pytz

                    time_in_hh_mm_ss_ff = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time_in_seconds_float, pytz.UTC).strftime('%H:%M:%S.%f')
              • convert HH:MM:SS to seconds
              • ...
          • Fusos horaris / Timezones
            • Exemple
              • import pytz
                timezone = 'Europe/Andorra'
                my_date.astimezone(pytz.timezone(timezone)).strftime('%H:%M:%S %Z')
            • i18n
          • 15.3 time - Time access and conversions
          • minimum and maximum datetime (infinite)
            • unaware_maximum = datetime.datetime.max
            • import pytz
              aware_maximum = datetime.datetime.max.replace(tzinfo=pytz.UTC)
          • other libraries
          • add datetime and time
            • event.start + datetime.timedelta(hours=event.duration.hour,minutes=event.duration.minute,seconds=event.duration.second)
          • difference between two times
          • Date in Django
          • Periods
      • Numeric and Mathematical Modules
      • Functional Programming Modules
      • File and Directory Access
      • Data Persistence
      • Data Compression and Archiving
      • File Formats
        • CSV
          • Fulls de càlcul
          • 13.1. csv — CSV File Reading and Writing (2.7) (3.7)
          • csv from file
            • import csv

              with open(csv_path, newline='') as f:
                  reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=';')
                  for row in reader:
                      row_length = len(row)
                      print(', '.join(row))
                      #print('{} -- {}'.format(row_length, row[10:20]))

            • import csv

              with open(csv_path, newline='', encoding='Windows-1252') as f:
                  reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=';')
                  for row in reader:
                      row_length = len(row)
                      print('{} -- {}'.format(row_length, row[10:20]))
          • csv from string
          • csv from InMemoryUploadedFile:
          • csv from http response (e.g. from APITestCase)
            • import six

              if six.PY2:
                  csv_string = res.content
                  csv_string = str(res.content, 'utf-8')
              csv_lines = csv_string.splitlines()
              reader = csv.reader(csv_lines)
              parsed_csv = list(reader)
              number_csv_lines = len(parsed_csv)
      • Cryptographic Services
      • Generic Operating System Services
        • Fitxers / Files
          • to open files using url, see urlopen
          • io
            • better option than old bultin open (?)
            • read a file:
              • import io

                with, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f_src:
                    for line in f_src:
          • temporal / temporary
            • mkdtemp
              • ...
              • directory temporal / temporary dir
                • import tempfile

                  tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
              • fitxer temporal / temporary file
                • ...
            • Temporary...
              • ...
      • Concurrent Execution
        • Processos / Processes
          • 17.1 subprocess (2) (3)
            • (>=3.5)
            • Older high-level API
              • old
                subprocess.check_call(...), check=True)
                subprocess.check_output(...), check=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout value_str =, capture_output=True).stdout.decode().rstrip()
            • Manage errors:
              result = when it fails,
              an exception is thrown
              error can be accessed from
              capture_output=True no result.stdout
              check=True yes thrown exception
          • Exemples / Examples
            • compatible Python 2 / 3:
              • import shlex
                if six.PY2:
                    # python 2
                    args = map(lambda s: s.decode('utf-8'), shlex.split(complete_command.encode('utf-8')))
                    result_stdout = subprocess.check_output(args, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
                    result_stderr = ''
                    # python 3
                    args = shlex.split(complete_command)
                    completed_process =, check=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
                    result_stdout = completed_process.stdout
                    result_stderr = completed_process.stderr
            • standard
              • import shlex, subprocess
                command = '...'
                parameters = '...'
                command_line = "{0} {1}".format(command, parameters) args = shlex.split(command_line)

                    completed_process =, check=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
                except Exception as e:
                    print("ERROR: {0}".format(e))
                    if e.stdout:
                        print("ERROR stdout: {0}".format(e.stdout.decode('utf-8')))
                    if e.stderr:
                        print("ERROR stderr: {0}".format(e.stderr.decode('utf-8')))
            • stdout, stderr to a file:
              • import shlex, subprocess
                command = '/usr/bin/ffmpeg'
                parameters = '-y -i sintel.mp4 -vf "scale=1280:-1" -c:a copy -c:v h264 -f flv /tmp/toto.flv'
                command_line = "{0} {1}".format(command, parameters)
                args = shlex.split(command_line)
                with open("toto.log", "w") as f:
                        completed_process =, check=True, stdout=f, stderr=f)
                    except Exception as e:
                        print("ERROR: {0}".format(e))
            • shell pipes
          • Problemes / Problems
        • Scheduling
          • Info
          • sched (Python)
          • schedule
          • APScheduler
            • Migració
            • Exemples
              • basic
                • import time
                  from apscheduler.schedulers.background import BackgroundScheduler

                  def do_something(**kwargs):

                  # create scheduler
                  scheduler = BackgroundScheduler()

                  # add job
                      # action with kwargs
                      # date trigger
                      # run every job, even if it is too late

                  # start scheduler

                  # do not exit (should we use BlockingScheduler?)
                  while True:
              • comunicació
                • RPC
                  • examples / rpc / (<=3.9.0)
                  • problemes (APScheduler==3.10.1, rpyc==5.3.1)
                    • TypeError: tzinfo argument must be None or of a tzinfo subclass, not type 'backports.zoneinfo.ZoneInfo'
                      • Meet an error when reschedule the job via RPyC #287
                      • Solució / Solution
                        • received kwargs must be deep copied before passing it to add_job:
                            • import copy
                              import rpyc
                              from rpyc.utils.server import ThreadedServer
                              from apscheduler.schedulers.background import BackgroundScheduler

                              def print_text(*args, **kwargs):
                                  print("[print_text] args: {}, kwargs: {}".format(args, kwargs))

                              class SchedulerService(rpyc.Service):
                                  def exposed_add_job(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
                                      # a copy of the datetime inside dict must be done, to avoid errors when astimezone is called from it (apscheduler/schedulers/
                                      kwargs_copy = copy.deepcopy(kwargs)
                                      return scheduler.add_job(func, *args, **kwargs_copy)

                              if __name__ == '__main__':
                                  scheduler = BackgroundScheduler()
                                  # allow_pickle is needed by deepcopy
                                  protocol_config = {"allow_public_attrs": True, "allow_pickle": True}
                                  server = ThreadedServer(SchedulerService, port=12345, protocol_config=protocol_config)
                                  except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
                            • import rpyc
                              import datetime

                              run_date_aware =

                              config = {
                                  "allow_public_attrs": True,
                                  "allow_pickle": True,
                              conn = rpyc.connect("localhost", 12345, config=config)
                              #job = conn.root.add_job('server:print_text', 'interval', args=['Hello, World'], seconds=2)
                              job = conn.root.add_job(
                                  # args, kwargs for func:
                                  args=["Hello, World"],
                                  kwargs={"test": True},

          • ...
        • threading
      • Networking and Interprocess Communication
        • Xarxa / Network
        • Asíncron / Asynchronous
          • Context manager, iterator
          • cooperative multitasking (per oposició a ... / as opposed to preemptive multitasking in threading)
            • process or task voluntarily yields control to the processor: await
          • quan són adequats i quan no:
            • async no cal:
              • quan una cosa necessita tota la cpu (fent un entrepà)
            • async cal:
              • quan un procés està esperant que acabi una crida (escalfant la pizza al forn, cerca a la base de dades, esperant que arribi una notificació, websockets); mentrestant, el processador pot anar fent altres coses
          • What Is Async, How Does It Work, and When Should I Use It?|A. Jesse Jiryu Davis|PyCon APAC 2014 (yt)
            • subs (els clients trien l'entrepà i el treballador el fa al moment), pizza al tall (els clients trien el tall i el treballador l'escalfa), omakase (els clients reben el plat del dia, sense haver-lo de demanar)
            • threads, greenlets, coroutines, callbacks
            • what is async?:
              • single-threaded
              • I/O concurrency
              • Non-blocking sockets
              • internally: epoll (Linux) / kqueue (Mac, BSD)
              • event loop
            • async frameworks
        • asyncio
          • Documentació / Documentation
            • High-level APIs
              • Runners
              • Coroutines and Tasks
              • ...
            • Low-level APIs
              • Event Loop
              • Futures
              • Transports and Protocols
              • ...
          • Info

          • classical asyncio
            Internet protocols requests
          • la definició de les corutines va precedida d'async, i hauria de contenir almenys una crida amb await (encara que sigui await asyncio.sleep(0)) perquè el processador pugui fer altres coses:
            • async def my_function()
          • si volem que la crida a una funció esperi que s'acabi abans de passar a la línia següent, cal posar await (si no, s'executarà la següent línia sense esperar el resultat); el procés fa un yield i així mentrestant el processador podrà executar les altres tasques que hi ha a la cua de l'scheduler:
            • result = await my_function()
            • await asyncio.sleep(2)
          • per a iniciar l'scheduler (normalment es fa servir per a cridar el main, però pot cridar qualsevol altra corutina) i posar-hi main com a tasca:
            • async def main():

              if __name__ == "__main__"
         main() )
          • per a executar diverses crides a funcions alhora:
            • await asyncio.gather(my_function(...), my_function(...))
            • list_of_functions = []
              for i in range(10):
                  list_of_functions.append( my_function(i) )
              await asyncio.gahter(*list_of_functions)
          • afegeix una corutina a l'scheduler; permet encapsular crides com a tasques, per a poder-les cancel·lar; no s'executen fins que no hi ha algun await:
            • my_task = asyncio.create_task( my_function(...) )
              result = await my_task
            • task.cancel()
            • task.cancelled()
            • task.done()
            • task.result()
          • micropython-async tutorial
            • 2 ...
              • 2.2 Coroutines and tasks
                • una corutina es defineix amb async def i conté algun await
                • 2.2.1 Queuing a task for scheduling
                  • asyncio.create_task Arg: the coro to run. The scheduler converts the coro to a Task and queues the task to run ASAP. Return value: the Task instance. It returns immediately. The coro arg is specified with function call syntax with any required arguments passed.
                  • Arg: the coro to run. Return value: any value returned by the passed coro. The scheduler queues the passed coro to run ASAP. The coro arg is specified with function call syntax with any required arguments passed. In the current version the run call returns when the task terminates. However, under CPython, the run call does not terminate.
                  • await Arg: the task or coro to run. If a coro is passed it must be specified with function call syntax. Starts the task ASAP. The awaiting task blocks until the awaited one has run to completion. As described in section 2.2, it is possible to await a task which has already been started. In this instance, the await is on the task object (function call syntax is not used).
                • 2.2.4 A typical firmware app
                  • import uasyncio as asyncio
                    from my_app import MyClass

                    def set_global_exception():
                        def handle_exception(loop, context):
                            import sys
                        loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

                    async def main():
                        set_global_exception()  # Debug aid
                        my_class = MyClass()  # Constructor might create tasks
                        asyncio.create_task(  # Or you might do this
                        await my_class.run_forever()  # Non-terminating method
                        asyncio.new_event_loop()  # Clear retained state
            • 3 Synchronization
            • 4 Designing classes for asyncio
            • 5 Exceptions timeouts and cancellation
              • 5.1 Exceptions
                • les tasques creades amb create_task contenen les excepcions
                • si es crida directament await, es propaga l'excepció
                • si a la tasca principal ( li arriba una excepció, peta
              • 5.2 Cancellation and Timeouts
                • per a cancel·lar una tasca, cal executar foo_task.cancel()
                • dins de la tasca, es pot capturar una cancel·lació:
                  • async def foo():
                        except asyncio.CancelledError:
                • 5.2.2 Tasks with timeouts
                  • async def foo():
                            await asyncio.wait_for( forever(), 3 )
                        except asyncio.TimeoutError: # mandatory
            • 6 Interfacing hardware
              • ...
            • ...
            • 8 Notes fo beginners
          • ...
      • Internet Data Handling
      • Structured Markup Processing Tools
      • Internet Protocols and Support

        • server client

          sync asyncio sync asyncio

          • requests
            • response = requests.get('')
            • with requests.Session() as session:
                  response = session.get('')
          • aiohttp
            • async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
                  async with session.get('') as response:
                      print(await response.text())
            • import aiohttp
              import asyncio

              async def main():
              with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
              with session.get('') as response:
                          html = await response.text()

            • import aiohttp
              import asyncio

              async def fetch(session, url):
              with session.get(url) as response:
                      return await response.text()

              async def main():
              with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
                      html = await fetch(session, '')

          • websockets
            • import asyncio
              import websockets

              async def hello(websocket):
                  name = await websocket.recv()
                  print(f"<<< {name}")

                  greeting = f"Hello {name}!"

                  await websocket.send(greeting)
                  print(f">>> {greeting}")

              async def main():
                  async with websockets.serve(hello, "localhost", 8765):
                      await asyncio.Future()  # run forever

              if __name__ == "__main__":
          • websockets
            • from websockets.sync.client import connect

              def hello():
                  with connect("ws://localhost:8765") as websocket:
                      websocket.send("Hello world!")
                      message = websocket.recv()
                      print(f"Received: {message}")

          • websockets
            • import asyncio
              import websockets

              async def hello():
                  uri = "ws://localhost:8765"
                  async with websockets.connect(uri) as websocket:
                      name = input("What's your name? ")

                      await websocket.send(name)
                      print(f">>> {name}")

                      greeting = await websocket.recv()
                      print(f"<<< {greeting}")

              if __name__ == "__main__":
            • # How to run forever async websocket client?
              import asyncio
              import websockets

              async def hello():
                  uri = "ws://localhost:5678"
                  async with websockets.connect(uri) as websocket:
                      while True:
                          greeting = await websocket.recv()
                          print(f"<<< {greeting}")

              if __name__ == "__main__":
            • ...
        • HTTP
        • URL
          • Parsing URLs with regular expressions
          • 20.5 urllib
            • python2 python3
              • urlopen()
              • urlretrieve()
              • ...
              • urlopen()
              • install_opener()
              • build_opener()
              • ...
              • urlopen()
              • ...

              • exception URLError
              • exception HTTPError
              • exception ContentTooShortError
              • urlparse()
              • parse_qs()
              • parse_qsl()
              • urlunparse()
              • urlsplit()
              • urlunsplit()
              • urljoin()
              • urldefrag()
              • quote()
              • quote_plus()
              • unquote()
              • unquote_plus()
              • urlencode()
              • pathname2url()
              • url2pathname()
              • getproxies()

              • urlparse()
              • parse_qs()
              • parse_qsl()
              • urlunparse()
              • urlsplit()
              • urlunsplit()
              • urljoin()
              • urldefrag()
              • unwrap()
              • ...
              • quote()
              • quote_plus()
              • quote_from_bytes()
              • unquote()
              • unquote_plus()
              • unquote_to_bytes()
              • urlencode()

            • compatible python 2/3 import
              • import six

                if six.PY2:
                    from urlparse import urlparse, urlunparse
                    from urllib import unquote, urlencode
                    from urllib.parse import urlparse,
                urlunparse, unquote, urlencode

                o = urlparse(...)
                ... unquote(...)
                # urlunparse( (scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment) )
                ... urlunparse( (o.
                scheme, o.netloc, o.path, o.params, o.query, o.fragment) )
                ... urlencode(...)
            • urlparse()
              • o = urlparse('')
              • o = urlparse('s3://bucket/path/to/file')
            • urlopen() (mock)
              • import six

                if six.PY2:
                    from urllib2 import urlopen
                    # to avoid error addinfourl instance has no attribute '__exit__',
                    # on Python 2 you cannot use urlopen inside a with
                    filehandle_src = urlopen(url)
                    for line in filehandle_src:
                    from urllib.request import urlopen

                    with urlopen(url) as filehandle_src:
                        for line in filehandle_src:
            • Changing hostname in a url
              • import urlparse
                p = urlparse.urlparse('')
                p._replace(netloc=p.netloc.replace(p.hostname, '')).geturl()
            • URL Quoting (percent encoding)
              • quote
                • import six
                  if six.PY2:
                      from urllib import quote
                      from urllib.parse import quote
                • Python 2
                  • from urllib import quote

                    # input is unicode
                    path_original = u'/path/to/toto_à.html'
                    path_converted = quote(path_original.encode('utf8'))
                    # will give: '/path/to/toto_%C3%A0.html'
                  • from urllib import quote
                    # input is not unicode
                    path_original = '/path/to/toto_à.html'
                    path_converted = quote(path_original)
                    # will give: '/path/to/toto_%C3%A0.html'
                • Python 3
                  • from urllib.parse import quote
                    # input is unicode
                    path_original = u'/path/to/toto_à.html'
                    path_converted = quote(path_original.encode('utf8'))
                    # will give: '/path/to/toto_%C3%A0.html'
                  • from urllib.parse import quote
                    # input is not unicode
                    path_original = '/path/to/toto_à.html'
                    path_converted = quote(path_original)
                    # will give: '/path/to/toto_%C3%A0.html
              • unquote
                • convert: /path/to/toto_%C3%A0.mp4 -> /path/to/toto_à.mp4
                  • import six

                    path_original = u'/path/to/toto_%C3%A0.mp4'
                    if six.PY2:
                        path_converted = unquote(path_original.encode()).decode('utf-8')
                    path_converted = unquote(path_original)
          • add query params to a path (which may already have query params) (Python 3):
            • from urllib.parse import urlencode, urlparse, parse_qsl

              original_path = '/path/to?a=b&c=d'
              o = urlparse(original_path)
              existing_query_params = parse_qsl(o.query)
              added_query_params = [('e','f'),('g','h')]
              total_queryparams = existing_query_params + added_query_params
              new_path = '{}?{}'.format(o.path, urlencode(total_queryparams))
              # '/path/to?a=b&c=d&e=f&g=h'
          • urljoin
          • download from url to local file:
            • import six

              if six.PY2:
                  from urlparse import urlparse
                  from urllib2 import urlopen
                  from urllib.parse import urlparse
                  from urllib.request import urlopen

              with urlopen(src) as filehandle_src, open(dst, 'wb') as filehandle_dst:
                   shutil.copyfileobj(filehandle_src, filehandle_dst)
          • ...
        • FTP
          • libftp (2.7)
            • upload local or remote file to ftp:
              • # python 3
                import os
                import ftplib
                import urllib.request
                from urllib.parse import urlparse

                host = '...'
                username = '...'
                password = '...'

                #origin = '/tmp/toto.txt'
                origin = 'https://...'
                local_basename = os.path.basename(origin)
                remote_dirname = 'toto_dir_2'
                remote_path = os.path.join(remote_dirname, local_basename)

                print("ftp upload: {0} -> {1}".format(origin, remote_path))

                o = urlparse(origin)
                print("sheme: {}".format(o.scheme))

                if o.scheme:
                    filehandle = urllib.request.urlopen(origin)
                    filehandle = open(origin, 'rb')

                with ftplib.FTP(host, username, password) as ftp:
                    # create dir
                        print("creating remote dir: {}".format(remote_dirname))
                    except Exception as e:
                        print("WARNING when creating dir: {} - {}".format(e, type(e)))

                    # upload file
                        print("uploading: {0} -> {1}".format(origin, remote_path))
                        ftp.storbinary("STOR {0}".format(remote_path), filehandle)
                    except Exception as e:
                        print("ERROR when uploading file: {}".format(e))

            • upload remote http file directly to ftp (Python - Transfer a file from HTTP(S) URL to FTP/Dropbox without disk writing (chunked upload)):
              • ...
                import urllib
                filehandle = urllib.request.urlopen(origin_url)
        • Adreces de xarxa / Network addresses
          • adreça IP pròpia / own IP address
          • 21.28 ipaddress (>3.3)
            • Backport for Python 2: py2-ipaddress
            • An introduction to the ipaddress module
            • models

              • convenience factory function
                IPv4Address IPv6Address ip_address('')
                IPv4Network IPv6Network ip_network('')
                • subnets()
                • subnets(prefixlen_diff=2)
                • subnets(new_prefix=26)
                • supernet()
                • supernet(prefixlen_diff=2)
                • supernet(new_prefix=26)
                IPv4Interface IPv6Interface
              • ...
            • Exemples / Examples
              • subnets /20 from net /16
                • import ipaddress

                  net = ipaddress.ip_network('')
                  subnets_20 = list( net.subnets(new_prefix=20) )
            • ...
      • Multimedia Services
      • Internationalization
      • Program Frameworks
      • Graphical User Interfaces with Tk
      • Development Tools
        • Test unitari / Unit test

          • pytest unittest Django tests (based on unittest) Django drf
            file myproject/tests/
            myproject/myapp/tests/ myproject/myapp/tests/
            import import pytest from unittest import TestCase
            # myproject/myunit/
            from myunit.toto import ...
            from django.test import TestCase from rest_framework.test import APITestCase
            class class MyGroupTests: class MyGroupTestCase(TestCase): class MyGroupTestCase(TestCase):
                """ Tests over database """
            class MyGroupAPITestCase(APITestCase):
                """ Tests over API REST """
            funció que s'executa sempre en començar def setup_method(self): def setUp(self): def setUp(self): def setUp(self):
            test def test_first(self): def test_first(self): def test_first(self): def test_first(self):
            funció que s'executa sempre en acabar def teardown_method(self): def ...(self)

            • pytest -s -k test_first
            • from myproject/
              • python -m unittest tests/
              • python -m unittest tests.mytest.MyGroupTestCase
              • python -m unittest tests.mytest.MyGroupTestCase.test_first
              • python -m unittest discover -s tests
              • python -m unittest discover -v -s tests -p
            • from myproject/tests/
              • python -m unittest --verbose mytest
              • python -m unittest --verbose mytest.MyGroupTestCase
              • python -m unittest --verbose mytest.MyGroupTestCase.test_first
            • ./ test --keepdb --settings myapp.tests_settings --verbosity 3 myapp.tests.mytest
            • ./ test --keepdb --settings myapp.tests_settings --verbosity 3 myapp.tests.mytest.MyGroupTestCase
            • ./ test --keepdb --settings myapp.tests_settings --verbosity 3 myapp.tests.mytest.MyGroupTestCase.test_first
            • ./ test --keepdb --settings myapp.tests_settings --verbosity 3 my_app.tests.mytest
            • ./ test --keepdb --settings myapp.tests_settings --verbosity 3 my_app.tests.mytest.MyGroupAPITestCase
            • ./ test --keepdb --settings myapp.tests_settings --verbosity 3 my_app.tests.mytest.MyGroupAPITestCase.test_first
            run from Eclipse / PyDev
            • select class or method: Debug as -> Python unit-test
              • Debug configurations
                • Arguments
                  • Override PyUnit preferences for this launch?
                  • PyDev test runner
                  • Py.test
                  • --verbosity 3

          • pytest
          • unittest
            • run all tests in dir tests/
            • skip some tests
              • from unittest import skip

                @skip("my reason to skip this one")
            • test with argparse
              • How do you write tests for the argparse portion of a python module?
                • import sys
                  import argparse

                  def main(args):
                      parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='ADD YOUR DESCRIPTION HERE')
                      parser.add_argument('first_parameter', type=int, help='First parameter')
                      parser.add_argument('second_parameter', type=int, help='Second parameter')
                      parsed_args = parser.parse_args(args)

                      # rest of you code goes here

                  if __name__ == '__main__':
              • tests/
                • from unittest import TestCase
                  from mymodule import main

                  class MyModuleTestCase(TestCase):
                      def test_main(self):
              • run tests from dir where is:
                • python -m unittest discover -s tests
            • Eclipse / PyDev
              • first time
                • selected file: Debug as -> Python unit-test
              • Debug Configurations
                • Arguments
                  • Override PyUnit preferences for this launch?
                    • PyDev test runner
                    • Py.test
                    • --verbosity 3
              • ...
          • Django tests
          • Mock
            • Understanding the Python Mock Object Library
            • Django mock
            • The Mock Class
              • ...
                ... ...
              • Exemple:
                • @patch("")
                  def test_something(self, mock_my_function)
                • from unittest.mock import call
                  def test_something(self, mock_my_function)
          • ...
      • Debugging and Profiling
      • Software Packaging and Distribution
      • Python Runtime Services
      • Custom Python Interpreters
      • Importing Modules
      • Python Language Services
      • MS Windows Specific Services
      • Unix Specific Services
      • Superseded Modules
      • Security Considerations
  • Unicode
    • Python3 strings and bytes
    • Codificació de text / Text coding
    • Errors
      • UnicodeEncodeError
      • UnicodeDecodeError
        • UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 44: ordinal not in range(128)
        • Solving Unicode Problems in Python 2.7
          • UnicodeDecodeError: ‘ascii’ codec can’t decode byte 0xd1 in position 1: ordinal not in range(128) (Why is this so hard??)
        • ...
    • Django i18n
      • Use format instead of '%'
        • do not forget trailing 'u'
          • u'{} {} '.format(...)
      • Use 'u' before literals
      •     string = u'{:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}'.format(hours, minutes, seconds)
            if days:
                if days==1:
                    string = u'{} {} '.format(days,_("day")) + string
                    #string = u"%d %s %s" % ( days, _("day"), string)
                    string = u'{} {} '.format(days,_("days")) + string
                    #string = u"%d %s %s" % ( days, _("days"), string)
    • File writing
      • import codecs
        filename = os.path.join(...)
        f =,mode='w',encoding='utf-8')
      • import codecs
        filename = os.path.join(...)
        f =,mode='w',encoding='utf-8')
        fitxer = File(f)
  • Eines / Tools
    • virtualenv
    • pip (*) (package manager) (also installed when virtualenv is installed)
      • related tools
        • pipdeptree
        • pipupgrade
      • Installation of pip itself
        • From distribution
          • CentOS
            • sudo yum install python-pip
        • From source
          • download it:
          • install it:
            • # python install
      • Installation of packages
        • using system python, but install packages in home dir (~/.local/bin/)
          • pip install --user package_name
          • python -m pip install --user package_name
        • using a virtualenv:
          • pip install package_name --dry-run
          • pip install package_name
      • Installation of a precise version of a package
        • pip install djangorestframework==0.4.0
      • alpha version
        • pip install -pre package_name
      • upgrade
        • pip install -U package_name
      • Problems
        • error fatal: Python.h: El fitxer o directori no existeix
          • Solució / Solution
            • Python 2.7
              • Mageia
                • urpmi lib64python-devel
            • Python 3
              • Mageia
                • urpmi lib64python3-devel
              • Alma9
                • dnf install python3-devel
        • fatal error: pyconfig.h: El fitxer o directori no existeix
          • Solució / Solution
            • Alma 9
              • dnf install python3-devel
        • Download error on [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:765) -- Some packages may not be found!
          • pip install fails with “connection error: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:598)”
          • Solution
            • openssl s_client -connect
            • curl -sO
            • sudo cp DigiCertHighAssuranceEVRootCA.crt /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/
            • sudo update-ca-trust
          • Alternative solution?
            • sudo yum install ca-certificates
        • pip install --upgrade -r pip_requirements.txt
          • Could not find .egg-info directory in install record for setuptools from in /home/.../env/lib/python2.7/site-packages
          • see also problems with Google API and httplib2
        • error: Installed distribution setuptools 0.9.8 conflicts with requirement setuptools>=17.1
          • Solució / Solution
            • pip install --upgrade setuptools
        • Error: pg_config executable not found.
          • when installing psycopg2
          • Solució / Solution
            • Install postgresql devel
              • Mageia
                • urpmi postgresql9.4-devel
              • Alma 9
                • dnf install libpq-devel
              • Alma 8
                • dnf install libpq5-devel
      • show specific package
        • pip show setuptools
      • list of installed packages (it gives the version number):
        • pip list
        • with installation format (>pip_requirements.txt)
          • pip freeze
          • pip freeze >pip_requirements.txt
    • pipx
      • pip per a instal·lar  globalment / pip to install globally
      • Pipx: Safely Install Packages Globally
      • Instal·lació / Installation
        • Mageia
          • sudo dnf install python3-pip
          • python3 -m pip install --user pipx
        • Ubuntu
          • sudo apt install pipx
      • Ús / Usage
        • afegeix el directori a la variable PATH
          • pipx ensurepath
        • llista dels paquets instal·lats
          • pipx list
        • instal·la un paquet
        • actualitza un paquet
          • pipx upgrade black
        • desinstal·la un paquet:
          • pipx uninstall black
        • executa sense instal·lar:
          • pipx run black
          • pipx run youtube-dl<video_id>
    • easy_install
      • urpmi python-setuptools
      • sudo apt-get install python-setuptools
    • Invoke
    • Fabric
      • Instal·lació / Installation
        • pip install fabric
      • Fabric 2.x
        • See also: Invoke
        • Upgrading from 1.x
          • 1.x
            sudo("yum install -y htop")"sudo yum install -y htop")
            sudo("echo /usr/local/lib >/etc/")"sudo sh -c 'echo \"/usr/local/lib\" >/etc/'")
            # sudo sh -c 'echo "l'\''arbre" >>/tmp/toto.txt'
  "sudo sh -c 'echo \"l'\\''arbre\" >>/tmp/toto.txt'")
            put(local_file, remote_dir, use_sudo=True)
            from os.path import basename

            def sudo_put(c, local_path, remote_dirname):
                Upload a local file to a remote dir, with sudo privileges
                filename = basename(local_path)
                remote_tmp_path = filename
                remote_path = '{}/{}'.format(remote_dirname, filename)

                print 'sudo_put: {} -> {}'.format(local_path, remote_path)
                c.put(local_path, remote=remote_tmp_path)
      "sudo sh -c 'mv {} {}'".format(remote_tmp_path, remote_path))

            sudo_put(c, local_file, remote_dir)

            from fabric.contrib.files import append text = """
            FCGI_EXTRA_OPTIONS="-M 0770"
            append('/etc/sysconfig/spawn-fcgi', text, use_sudo=True)

            text = """
            FCGI_EXTRA_OPTIONS=\\\"-M 0770\\\"
  "sudo sh -c 'echo \"{0}\" >>/etc/sysconfig/spawn-fcgi'".format(text))

            # not working yet, with sudo=True:
            from patchwork import files
            files.append(c, '/etc/sysconfig/spawn-fcgi', text, sudo=True)
            from fabric.contrib.files import sed

                'host    all             all               ident',
                'host    all             all               md5',
  "sudo sed -i.bak 's#host    all             all               ident#host    all             all               md5#g' {}/pg_hba.conf".format(pgsql_data_dir))
            with cd /path/to:
            my_path = '/path_to'
  'cd {} && my_command_1'.format(my_path))
  'cd {} && my_command_1'.format(my_path))
            with settings(warn_only=True):
  , warn=True)
            result = run(...) r =
            result = r.stdout.strip()

            from patchwork import transfers
            # strict_host_keys is set to False to avoid interactive question:
            # Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])?
            local(...) # option -H must be present
            # only capture; do not display
            result = c.local(..., hide=True)
            toto = result.stdout
        • Documentation (2.1)
        • restart connection (e.g. to update just modified groups to the user that is making the connection)
          •     # add user to mygroup
                print("  adding group {} to user {}".format(service_group, remote_user))
      "sudo usermod -a -G {} {}".format(service_group, remote_user), warn=True)

                # update group membership
                # as newgrp command is not working remotely, we need to close and open ssh connection
                # (and _sftp must be set to None to force its reconnection)
                c._sftp = None
                # print("c after close/open: {}".format(c))
      • Fabric 1.x documentation
      • Utilització / Usage
        • <task name>:<arg>,<kwarg>=<value>,...
      • debug from Eclipse
        • Fabric 2
            • # to allow debugging from Eclipse
              import re
              import sys
              from fabric.main import program
              if __name__ == '__main__':
                  sys.argv[0] = re.sub(r'(-script\.pyw|\.exe)?$', '', sys.argv[0])
          • Eclipse
            • (contextual menu)
              • Debug As -> Python Run
              • Debug Configurations
                • (select your debug configuration)
                  • Arguments
                    • --list
                    • -H user@server task_1 ...
        • Fabric 1
          • ...
            • from fabric.main import main

              if __name__ == '__main__':
                  import sys
                  sys.argv = ['fab', '-f', __file__, 'my_task']
      • Exemples / Examples
        • put('', '/usr/local/bin/', mode=int('755', 8), use_sudo=True)
      • Context managers (context manager)
        • with ...
      • Problemes / Problems
        • paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException: encountered RSA key, expected OPENSSH key
          • check that remote file ~myuser/.ssh/authorized_keys contains the public key that you are using
          • check that you are specifying a remote user
      • Error management
        • ignore
          • with settings(warn_only=True):
        • capture failure
          • result = local('grunt')
            if result.failed:
                print "Grunt is not installed."
                abort('Grunt not found')
        • Python try
          • try:
            except Exception as e:
      • env definitions
          • from fabric.api import *

            # remote user and group
            env.remote_user = 'myuser'
            env.remote_group = 'mygroup'

            # project
            env.project_name = 'my_project'
            env.project_dir = '/home/%(remote_user)s/%(project_name)s' % env
      • run locally
        • running fabric script locally
        • Optionally avoid using ssh if going to localhost #98
          • # by default, actions are performed remotely.
            # to perform them localy, e.g.: "fab localhost create_virtualenv"
            env.run_as = 'remote'
   = run
            env.sudo = sudo
            env.hosts = ['...',]
            env.key_filename = '~/.ssh/keys/key_for_remote.pem'

            def localhost():
                Set environment for local execution
                env.run_as = 'local'
       = local
                env.sudo = local
                env.hosts = []
          • with lcd()
      • capture
        • run remotelly and get the value
          • result = sudo(...)
          • result = run(...)
        • run locally and get the value
          • result = local(..., capture=True)
      • crontab
      • files
        • put
        • rsync_project
          • How do I copy a directory to a remote machine using Fabric?
          • Example
            • from fabric.contrib.project import rsync_project

              rsync_project(local_dir='.', remote_dir='/var/www', exclude=('.git','tmp',) )
          • Ignore files indicated by .gitignore
          • Ignore untracked files and files indicated by .gitignore
            • untracked_files_zero = local('git -C .. ls-files -z -o --exclude-standard --directory', capture=True)
              untracked_files = untracked_files_zero.split('\0')
              print "untracked_files: {}".format(untracked_files)
              excluded_files = untracked_files + ['.git','tmp']
              rsync_project(local_dir='.', remote_dir=env.project_dir, exclude=excluded_files, extra_opts="--filter=':- .gitignore'" )
        • append
          • append a line
            • from fabric.contrib.files import append
                  append('/etc/sysconfig/toto','this line has been appended to the end')
          • append several lines:
            • from fabric.contrib.files import append
                  text = """
              first_line = "value1"
              second_line = "value2"
                  append('/etc/sysconfig/toto', text, use_sudo=True)
        • sed
          • single quotes in sed
          • replace a line that starts with "host    all             all   " by "host    all             all               md5"
            • from fabric.contrib.files import sed
                  # /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf
                  # host    all             all               md5
                      'host    all             all               ident',
                      'host    all             all               md5',
                      use_sudo=True )

            •     env.sudo('sudo sed -e "/^host    all             all    c\host    all             all               md5" -i /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf')
      • Certificat de servidor / Server certificate
        • certificate for https connections (curl will not need to specify --cacert)
          • # add myserver self-signed certificate to the list of trust ca certificates
            put('', '/etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/', use_sudo=True)
      • dependencies
          • # list of dependencies to install
            env.install_cmd = 'yum install -y'
            env.dependencies = ['gcc', 'git', 'python-virtualenv', 'mariadb',]

            def install_dependencies():
                Install the system dependencies for the project
                env.sudo(env.install_cmd + " " + "epel-release")
                env.sudo(env.install_cmd + " " + " ".join(env.dependencies))
      • virtualenv
        • Getting virtualenv(wrapper) and Fabric to play nice
        • Activate a virtualenv via fabric as deploy user
          • from contextlib import contextmanager as _contextmanager

            # remote user and group
            env.remote_user = 'my_user'
            env.remote_group = 'my_group'

            # virualenv directory
            env.virtualenv_directory = '/opt/p27'
            env.virtualenv_activate = 'source %(virtualenv_directory)s/bin/activate' % env

            def create_virtualenv():
                Create the virtualenv
                env.sudo('mkdir -p %(virtualenv_directory)s' % env)
                env.sudo('chown %(remote_user)s.%(remote_group)s %(virtualenv_directory)s' % (env) )
      'virtualenv %(virtualenv_directory)s' % env)

            def virtualenv():
                Activate the virtualenv
                with cd(env.virtualenv_directory):
                    with prefix(env.virtualenv_activate):

            def install_pip_dependencies():
                Install the pip dependencies
                with virtualenv():
                    if env.run_as == 'remote':
                        put('pip_requirements.txt', 'pip_requirements.txt')
          'pip install -r pip_requirements.txt')
      • Django
          • def django_setup():
                Django: migrate, createsuperuser, collectstatic
                with virtualenv():
                    with cd(env.project_dir):
              'python migrate')
              'python createsuperuser')
              'python collectstatic')
              'python loaddata auth_initial')

            def django_update():
                Django: migrate, collectstatic
                with virtualenv():
                    with cd(env.project_dir):
              'python migrate')
              'python collectstatic')
      • Nginx
          • def nginx_setup():
                Configure and start nginx
                env.sudo('chmod 755 /home/centos')
                env.sudo('mkdir -p /etc/uwsgi/vassals/')
                if env.run_as == 'remote':
                    # nginx
                    put('nginx-uwsgi/%(project_name)s_nginx.conf' % env, '/etc/nginx/conf.d/', use_sudo=True)
                    # remove default site from nginx.conf
                    put('nginx-uwsgi/nginx.conf', '/etc/nginx/', use_sudo=True)
                    put('nginx-uwsgi/nginx.pp', '/etc/nginx/', use_sudo=True)
                    # uwsgi       
                    put('nginx-uwsgi/uwsgi_params', '/etc/uwsgi/', use_sudo=True)
                    put('nginx-uwsgi/emperor.ini', '/etc/uwsgi/', use_sudo=True)
                    put('nginx-uwsgi/%(project_name)s_uwsgi.ini' % env, '/etc/uwsgi/vassals/', use_sudo=True)
                    put('nginx-uwsgi/emperor.uwsgi.service', '/etc/systemd/system/', use_sudo=True)
                    # socket in /run/ (
                    #put('nginx-uwsgi/emperor.uwsgi.socket', '/etc/systemd/system/', use_sudo=True)
                    #put('nginx-uwsgi/emperor.uwsgi.conf', '/etc/tmpfiles.d/', use_sudo=True)
                # custom selinux policy module (
                env.sudo('semodule -i /etc/nginx/nginx.pp')
                # activate selinux
                env.sudo('setenforce 1')

                # enable and start nginx
                env.sudo('systemctl enable nginx.service')
                env.sudo('systemctl restart nginx.service')
                # enable and start uwsgi
                env.sudo('systemctl enable emperor.uwsgi.service')
                env.sudo('systemctl restart emperor.uwsgi.service')
                # configure firewall
                #env.sudo('firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=http')
                #env.sudo('firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=https')
                #env.sudo('firewall-cmd --reload')

            def nginx_restart():
                Restart nginx and wsgi

                # restart nginx
                env.sudo('systemctl restart nginx.service')
                # restart uwsgi
                env.sudo('systemctl restart emperor.uwsgi.service')
      • Database
          • # database
            env.mysql_host = 'localhost'
            env.mysql_database = 'mydatabase_db'
            env.mysql_user = 'my_user'
            env.mysql_password = 'my_password'
            env.mysql_master_user = 'root'

            def database_setup():
                Setup database service
                env.sudo("systemctl enable mariadb.service")
                env.sudo("systemctl start mariadb.service")

            def database_create():
                Create the sql database
      'echo "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS %(mysql_database)s; \
            GRANT ALL ON %(mysql_database)s.* TO \'%(mysql_user)s\'@\'%%\' IDENTIFIED BY \'%(mysql_password)s\'; \
            FLUSH PRIVILEGES;" | \
            mysql -h %(mysql_host)s -u %(mysql_master_user)s -p' % (env) )

            def database_delete():
                Delete the sql database
      'echo "DROP DATABASE %(mysql_database)s;" | \
            mysql -h %(mysql_host)s -u %(mysql_master_user)s -p' % (env) )
      • Git
          • def ssh_config():
                Add fabuser_bitbucket_support to ~/.ssh/config
                text = """
            Host fabuser-bitbucket
                 IdentityFile ~/.ssh/fabuser_bitbucket
                append('%s/config' % env.ssh_dir, text )
      'chmod 600 %s/config' % env.ssh_dir)

            def git_clone():
                Clone from git
                #git_user = 'francesc_pinyol_margalef'
                with settings(warn_only=True):
                    with settings(warn_only=True):
                        if"test -d %s" % env.project_dir).failed:
                  "git clone git@fabuser-bitbucket:%(bitbucket_account)s/%(project_name)s.git %(project_dir)s" % (env) )

            def git_pull():
                Pull from git
                with cd(env.project_dir):
          "git pull")
    • Empaquetament / Packaging
  • Multiple platforms
  • Python path:
    • see also bash path
    • /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/...
    • paths
      • import os

        my_path = './dir1/dir2/toto.mp4'      # ./dir1/dir2/toto.mp4
        my_dirname = os.path.dirname(my_path)    # ./dir1/dir2
        #my_rel_dirname=${my_dirname#*\./} # dir1/dir2
        my_basename = os.path.basename(my_path)  # toto.mp4
        my_name = os.path.splitext(my_basename)[0]    # toto
        my_extension = os.path.splitext(my_path)[1]   # .mp4
        my_rel_path = os.path.relpath(my_path)       # dir1/dir2/toto.mp4
        my_abs_path = os.path.abspath(my_path)  # /path/to/dir1/dir2/toto.mp4
      • # longest common path
        prefix = os.path.commonpath(paths)
    • print path:
      • python
        • import sys
    • set path:
      • python
        • import sys
      • Django:
        • /etc/apache2/mods-available/wsgi.conf
          • WSGIPythonPath ...
    • recursively create directory if it does not exist:
      • import os

        # create the directory if it does not exist
        father_dir = os.path.dirname(filename)
        if not os.path.exists(father_dir):
            print("creating directory: {}".format(father_dir))
    • get home dir:
      • from os.path import expanduser
        home = expanduser("~")
    • get absolute dir inside home:
      • from os.path import expanduser
        my_dir = expanduser("~/my_dir")
  • Python for MS Windows:
  • HTML parsing
  • Logging
    • Django logging
    • Logging Cookbook

    • new old

      a = 'primer'
      b = 'segon'
      logger.debug('{} - {}', a, b)
      a = 'primer'
      b = 'segon'
      logger.debug('%s - %s', a, b)
      pylint [--logging-format-style=new] --logging-format-style=old
      Do not use: ...
    • Exemple bàsic
      • import os
        import logging

        #logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        logger = logging.getLogger(os.path.basename(__file__))

        logger.debug('debug message')'info message')
        logger.warning('warn message')
        logger.error('error message')
        logger.critical('critical message')
    • Exemple / Example:
      • # logger
        import logging

        #logger = logging.getLogger('my_program')

        logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        # create console handler with a higher log level
        ch = logging.StreamHandler()
        # create formatter and add it to the handlers
        formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(name)-12s %(message)s', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
        # add the handlers to the logger

        a = 'primer'
        b = 'segon'
        logger.debug("my message with %s and %s", a, b)
      • import logging

        logger = logging.getLogger('')
        # create console handler with a higher log level
        ch = logging.StreamHandler()
        # create formatter and add it to the handlers
        formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s [%(name)-12s] %(message)s')
        formatter.default_time_format = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'
        formatter.default_msec_format = '%s.%03dZ'
        # add the handlers to the logger

        logger.debug("my message")
  • Nginx


  • Pylint documentation
    • Instal·lació / Installation
      • pip install pylint (pipx install pylint)
        • Installing collected packages: backports.functools-lru-cache, isort, mccabe, singledispatch, wrapt, lazy-object-proxy, astroid, pylint
          Successfully installed astroid-1.6.6 backports.functools-lru-cache-1.6.4 isort-4.3.21 lazy-object-proxy-1.6.0 mccabe-0.6.1 pylint-1.9.5 singledispatch-3.6.2 wrapt-1.12.1
      • to use with Django
        • to avoid errors:
          • "E: xx,yy: Class '...' has no 'objects' member (no-member)"
        • install pylint-django:
          • pip install pylint-django
          • Python 2.7
            • $ pip install "pylint-django<2"
              Successfully built pylint-django pylint-plugin-utils
              Installing collected packages: pylint-plugin-utils, pylint-django
              Successfully installed pylint-django-0.11.1 pylint-plugin-utils-0.6
    • IDE integration
      • Eclipse / PyDev
        • PyLint can be used with PyDev
        • Window -> Preferences -> PyDev -> Editor -> Code Analysis -> PyLint
          • to avoid ""Undefined variable from import: ..." ("PyDev Problem"),
            • deactivate pyDev code analysis:
              • PyDev -> Editor -> Code Analysis -> Do code analysis? (disabled)
            • activate PyLint with arguments
              • PyDev -> Editor -> Code Analysis -> PyLint -> Use PyLint? (enabled)
              • Arguments to pass to the pylint command:
                • --load-plugins pylint_django
    • Run
      • pylint mymodule
      • to use with Django code
        • pylint --load-plugins=pylint_django [..other options..] <path_to_your_sources>
        • pylint --disable=all --enable=E --load-plugins=pylint_django --logging-format-style=old <path_to_your_sources>
      • only some checkers (Error, Warning, ...)
        • pylint --disable=all --enable=E,W mymodule
        • pylint --disable=all --enable=unused-import mymodule
      • help about a message
        • pylint --help-msg=no-member
      • logging
      • ...
    • Messages
      • Dangerous default value %s as argument
        • dangerous-default-value / W0102
          • Problematic code
            • def whats_on_the_telly(penguin=[]):  # [dangerous-default-value]
          • Correct code
            • def whats_on_the_telly(penguin=None):


  • Tox
  • Instal·lació / Installation
    • System-wide
      • Mageia
        • sudo urpmi python2-tox python3-tox
  • Totes les versions de Python que especifiqueu, han d'estar instal·lades
  • Tutorials
  • Django
    • Testing a third party Django application with pytest and tox
    • Exemples / Examples (tox.ini)
      • [tox]
        envlist =
        skipsdist = true

        commands =
             {envpython} -m manage test --settings my_project.tests_settings --verbosity 3 --parallel=8 my_app
        deps =
            django111-py27: -r deployment/pip_requirements.py27.txt
            django111-py36: -r deployment/pip_requirements.py36.txt
            django111-py37: -r deployment/pip_requirements.py37.txt
        django111-py37: other_dep_just_for_testing
  • Ús / Usage
    • list available environments
      • tox -l
    • run all environments
      • tox
    • run a specific environment
      • tox -e django111-py27

Biblioteques / Libraries

          • post
            • import requests

              url = ...
              payload = {"toto_key": "toto_value",}

              r =, payload)
            • import requests

              url = ...
              # keys can be repeated (both are kept)
              data = "toto_key=toto_value1&toto_key=toto_value2"

              headers = {"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
              r =, data, headers=headers)
          • jwt + get
            • import requests
              from pprint import pprint

              backend_url = ''

              # jwt token
              # file toto_admin.txt contains the password
              password = open('toto_admin.txt', 'r').read().strip()
              payload_credentials = {
                                     'username': 'admin',
                                     'password': password
              r ='/api-token-auth/', data=payload_credentials)
              token = r.json()['token']

              r = requests.get('%s/v1/api/totos/' % (backend_url), headers={'Authorization':'JWT %s'%token})
              pprint( r.json() )
          • authentication
          • upload (e.g. with Django Restframework)
            • Quickstart
            • Advanced
            • Problemes
            • Exemple / Example:
                • class MyModel(models.Model):
                      field_1 = models.FileField(...)
                      field_2 = ...
                      field_3 = ...
                • import requests
                  url = 'http...'
                  payload = {'field_2': '...', 'field_3': '...'}
                  headers = {}
                  headers['...'] = '...'
                  with open('/tmp/toto.png', 'rb') as field_1_file:   
                      files = {'field_1': field_1_file}
                      # to specify a name
                      files = {'field_1': ('name of the uploaded file', field_1_file)}
                      # specifying also the mime-type

                      #files = {'field_1': ('name of the uploaded file', field_1_file, "application/octet-stream")}    
                      r =, payload, headers=headers, files=files)
                • # upload from a url
                  source_url = ...

                  url = ...
                  payload = {'field_2': '...', 'field_3': '...'}
                  headers = {}
                  files = {'field_1': ('name of the uploaded file', urlopen(source_url))}
                  r =, payload, headers=headers, files=files)
          • HTTPS
        • Problemes / Problems
          • empty request.DATA when receiving a put/patch:
            • Solució / Solution
              • check that there is a trailing "/". Otherwise, requests receives a 30x and data is lost on the second url
          • claudàtors en el payload / square brackets in payload
            • Solució / Solution: explicit conversion to json, with json header
              • import requests
                import json

                payload = {
                           'toto':['first element','second element'],
                r =, headers={'Content-Type':'application/json'}, data=json.dumps(payload))
              • import requests
                import json

                # get token as usual
                token = ...

                payload = {
                           'toto':['first element','second element'],
                r =, headers={'Authorization':'JWT %s'%token, 'Content-Type':'application/json'}, data=json.dumps(payload))
      • pycurl (curl)
        • Exemple HHTPS / HTTPS Example
          • import pycurl
            curl = pycurl.Curl()
            curl.setopt(pycurl.CAINFO, "ca.crt")
            curl.setopt(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYPEER, 1)
            curl.setopt(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2)
            curl.setopt(pycurl.URL, "https://server_name/")
      • ...
  • PyGObject (based on GObject)

    • C
      • import gi
        gi.require_version("Gtk", "3.0")
        from gi.repository import Gtk

      error when packages are not installed

      • virtualenv: pip install pygobject
        • dependències / dependencies:
          • urpmi lib64girepository-devel gobject-introspection libcairo-devel [?python3-cairo-devel]
          • yum install gcc gobject-introspection-devel cairo-gobject-devel freetype-devel
          • apt-get ...
      • urpmi [python-gobject] python3-gobject3
      • yum install python34-gobject
      • apt-get ...
      • ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'gi'
      • Package cairo was not found in the pkg-config search path.
      GObject libraries:
      • /usr/lib[64]/girepository-1.0/
      • GLib-2.0.typelib

      • Gtk-2.0.typelib
      • Gtk-3.0.typelib

      • Gst-1.0.typelib
      • Gst...1.0.typelib
      • GES-1.0.typelib
      • ValueError: Namespace Gst not available
      • ValueError: Namespace GstWebRTC not available

    • Instal·lació / Installation
      • Sistema / System
        • CentOS
          • sudo yum install python36-gobject
        • Mageia
          • urpmi ...
      • Virtualenv + pip
        • Dependències / Dependencies
          • Install virtualenv
          • CentOS
            • sudo yum install gobject-introspection-devel cairo-gobject-devel freetype-devel
          • Mageia
            • urpmi lib64girepository-devel gobject-introspection
        • virtualenv-3.5 env (CentOS: virtualenv-3 --python python36 env)
        • source env/bin/activate
        • [pip install --upgrade pip]
        • pip install pygobject
    • Libraries are retrieved from:
      • standard location:
        • /usr/lib64/girepository-1.0/*.typelib
      • non-standard location (e.g. GStreamer compiled from source and installed into /usr/local)
        • export GI_TYPELIB_PATH=/usr/local/lib/girepository-1.0
    • PyGObject API Reference
    • Exemple / Example
      • import gi
        gi.require_version("Gtk", "3.0")
        from gi.repository import Gtk

        window = Gtk.Window(title="Hello World")
        window.connect("destroy", Gtk.main_quit)
    • Problemes
      • import gi
        ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'gi'
        • Solució / Solution
          • Install Python 3.6 bindings for GObject Introspection
            • sudo yum install python36-gobject
            • ...
      • ValueError: Namespace Gst not available
        • Solució / Solution
          • check that Gst is installed in standard location:
            • ls -l /usr/lib64/girepository-1.0/Gst*.typelib
          • if not, check that Gst is installed in non-standard location:
            • ls -l /usr/local/lib/girepository-1.0/Gst*.typelib
            • add non-standard location to search path:
              • export GI_TYPELIB_PATH=/usr/local/lib/girepository-1.0
  • Parsing
  • Codificació de text / Text coding
  • Fulls de càlcul / Spreadsheet

    • CSV OpenPyXL
      read each row as an OrderedDict
      A_label B_label C_label
      A2_value B2_value C2_value
      A3_value B3_value C3_value
      import csv

      with open(spreadsheet_path, newline='', encoding=file_encoding) as f:
          reader = csv.DictReader(f, delimiter=';')
          for row in reader:
              print(row['B_label'])         print(row['A_label'])
      import openpyxl

      wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(spreadsheet_path)
      for sheet_name in wb.sheetnames:     ws = wb[sheet_name]
          # header
          fieldnames = []
          for column in ws.iter_cols(1, ws.max_column):
              # header value corresponds to the cell on the top ([0])
              for row_cells in ws.iter_rows(min_row=2):
                  row = OrderedDict()
                  column_index = 0
                  for cell in row_cells:
                      row[fieldnames[column_index]] = cell.value
                      column_index += 1
      print(row['C_label'])             print(row['B_label'])             print(row['A_label'])

    • CSV
    • OpenPyXL
      • print all rows and columns from a binary file retrieved using requests (or unit test)
        • from __future__ import print_function

                  file_like_object = BytesIO(res.content)
                  wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(file_like_object)
                  for sheet_name in wb.sheetnames:
                      print(u"- sheet: {}".format(sheet_name))
                      ws = wb.get_sheet_by_name(sheet_name)
                      for row in ws.iter_rows():
                          for cell in row:
                              print(cell.value, end=',')
        • ...
      • Problemes / Problems
    • xlwt (used by Django XMLRenderer)
    • ...
  • Microsoft SharePoint
  • Versió semàntica / Semantic version
  • ...


  • Celery with Django
    • celery.conf
    • celery.service
      • Problems / Problemes
        • Usage: python -m celery [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
          Try 'python -m celery --help' for help.
          Error: Invalid value for '-A' / '--app':
          Unable to load celery application.
          The module mymodule was not found.
          celery_mymodule.service: Control process exited, code=exited, status=2/INVALIDARGUMENT
          • Solució / Solution:
            • a partir de Celery 5, les opcions -A/--app i --workdir són globals (Step 1: Adjust your command line invocation) i cal posar-les al principi de tot, abans de l'ordre (p.ex. celery --workdir=/my/dir --app=myapp multi ...)
  • Arquitectura / Architecture
    • Setting up a queue service: Django, RabbitMQ, Celery on AWS
    • Task Routing in Celery - How to route a Celery task to a dedicated queue
    • Dynamic Task Routing in Celery
    • Specify Worker in Celery
    • Elements
      • broker:
        • controls queues
        • accepta les crides des d'un apply_async i les distribueix cap a algun worker subscrit a aquella cua (si n'hi ha); accepts calls from apply_async and distributes them to subscribed workers (if any)
          • si una cua de RabbitMQ encara conté tasques per a assignar a algun worker, apareixeran amb:
            • rabbitmqctl -p my_vhost list_queues
            • si ja estan assignades a algun worker, ja no apareixeran a la cua
        • RabbitMQ
          • sudo systemctl start rabbitmq-server.service
          • rabbitmqctl list_users
          • rabbitmqctl list_vhosts
          • rabbitmqctl -p my_vhost list_queues
            • si la cua té missatges: encara hi ha jobs pendents de ser assignats a algun worker
            • si la cua és buida: tots els jobs han estat assignats a algun worker (potser encara s'està executant aquell job en el worker)
      • worker:
        • executes an async function
        • connects to broker specified as in mydir/ (-A mydir)
          • Problems
            • consumer: Cannot connect to amqp://...: [Errno 13] Permission denied.
              • Solution: check SELinux on instance that is initiating the connection
        • ask broker for the list of active nodes and tasks:
          • .../env/bin/python -m celery -b amqp://... inspect active
        • tasks that this worker is able to execute are listed in:
          • if they are inside a Django project:
            • ...
          • if they are not inside a Django project:
            • ...
        • ...
      • client:
        • calls an async function
        • when called from a standalone python:
          • connects to broker specified by app:
            • from mymodule.tasks import mytask

              from celery import Celery

              app = Celery(

              tasca = mytask.apply_async(("first_arg", "second_arg"), serializer="json")
        • when called from a Django project
          • connects to broker specified in BROKER_URL
          • tasks that this client is able to call are listed in:
            • ...
          • ...

      • needed files

        worker mydir/
  • First steps with Celery
    1. install a message broker (message transport)
      • RabbitMQ (AMQP)
        • RabbitMQ
        • Configuració / Setup (Django: same as in BROKER_URL)
          1. rabbitmqctl add_user myuser mypassword
          2. rabbitmqctl add_vhost myvhost
          3. rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p myvhost myuser ".*" ".*" ".*"
        • check settings:
          • rabbitmqctl list_users
          • rabbitmqctl list_vhosts
          • rabbitmqctl list_permissions -p myvhost
      • Amazon SQS
    2. install celery (dependencies automatically installed: pytz billiard kombu anyjson amqp)
      • pip install celery
    3. check that celery is working
  • command line
    • with a configuration file
    • debug:
      • C_FAKEFORK=1 celery ...
    • Problemes / Problems

    • options
      (also from a file toto.conf, referenced a --config toto.conf)


      celery -b <broker> (broker_url in a config file) -A <module> worker (start a single worker) -Q, --queues <queue1>,<queue2>
      --hostname=<node_name>@<host> (default: celery@<value_returned_by_hostname_command>)
      -E, --task-events (needed if we are intercepting events)
      -c <number_processes> (default: number of CPUs)

      multi (start several named workers)
      • start <node_name_1> [<node_name_2>, ...]
        • --pidfile=/var/run/celery/
        • --logfile=/var/log/celery/%n%I.log
      • restart <node_name> [<node_name_2>, ...]
      • stop <node_name> [<node_name_2>, ...]
      • stopwait <node_name> [<node_name_2>, ...]
      (usually called from celery.service with parameters set by variables defined in /etc/sysconfig/myceleryconfig, parsed with EnvironmentFile=-/etc/sysconfig/myceleryconfig)
      /path/to/python -m celery multi start mynodename -E -Q myqueue -A myapp --workdir=/path/to/myworking_dir --loglevel=DEBUG --logfile="/var/log/celery/%N.log"
      will start number_process workers (hostname is also called "worker name" in Flower):
      • /path/to/python -m celery worker -E -Q myqueue -A myapp --loglevel=DEBUG --logfile=/var/log/celery/mynodename.log --pidfile=/var/run/celery/ --hostname=mynodename@...
      • /path/to/python -m celery worker -E -Q myqueue -A myapp --loglevel=DEBUG --logfile=/var/log/celery/mynodename.log --pidfile=/var/run/celery/ --hostname=mynodename@...
      • ...
      These workers will connect to the broker specified as in /path/to/myworkingdir/myapp/, on queue myqueue:
      • from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
        from celery import Celery

        app = Celery('myapp',

        if __name__ == '__main__':
      Available tasks are registered in /path/to/myworkingdir/myapp/ (and referenced as myapp.task.task1 in Flower):
      • @shared_task(queue='myqueue')
        def task1(...):

        @shared_task(queue='myqueue', resultrepr_maxsize=4096, bind=True, acks_late=True)
        def task2(self, ...):

      • active
      • scheduled
      • reserved
      • revoked
      • registered
      • stats
      • query_task <task_uuid>
      • active_queues
      • registered
      • connect to broker and get a list of active tasks, for all workers:
        • celery -b amqp://<celery_user>:<celery_password>@<rabbitmq_server/><celery_vhost> inspect active
      • list of queues used by each worker:
        • celery inspect active_queues
      • list of registered tasks
        • celery inspect registered

      • enable_events
      • disable_events
      • rate_limit tasks.add 10/m

      • terminate a task:
        • celery -d ... control terminate KILL <task_id>
        • celery -b ... control revoke <task_id>

      events --dump

      • connect to broker and list active nodes:
        • celery -b amqp://<celery_user>:<celery_password>@<rabbitmq_server/><celery_vhost> status
        • Problems
          • Error: No nodes replied within time constraint.
            • ...


  • worker client
    command line
    service usage (Calling Tasks)

    • res = add.delay(2,2)
    • res = add.apply_async((2,2))
    • res = add.s(2,2).apply_async()
    • from celery import Celery

      app = Celery('tasks', broker='pyamqp://guest@localhost//')

      def add(x, y):
          return x + y
    celery -A tasks worker --loglevel=info

    • from tasks import add

      result = add.delay(4, 4)

    Using Celery in your Application
    • amqp://<celery_user>:<celery_password>@<rabbitmq_server/><celery_vhost>
    • from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
      from celery import Celery

      app = Celery(

      # Optional configuration, see the application user guide.

      if __name__ == '__main__':

    • from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
      from .celery import app

      def add(x, y):
          return x + y

      def mul(x, y):
          return x * y

      def xsum(numbers):
          return sum(numbers)
    (from proj parent dir)
    celery -A proj worker -l INFO
    • -A proj: will use
    • will contact broker specified by broker and join the party (or another one specified with -b option)
    • used queue is the default one ("celery"), in vhost specified in broker. If not using the default, it must be specified with -Q myqueue and must match the queue specified in @app.task(queue="myqueue")
    • registered tasks:
      • proj.tasks.add
      • proj.tasks.mul
      • proj.tasks.xsum

    (from proj parent dir)
    • from proj.tasks import add

      res = add.delay(4, 4)

      res = add.apply_async((4,4))

    • amqp://<celery_user>:<celery_password>@<rabbitmq_server/><celery_vhost>
    • from celery import Celery

      app = Celery(

      if __name__ == '__main__':

    • from celery import shared_task

      def add(x,y):
    (from mydir):
    celery -A mymodule worker -Q myqueue -l info -E
    • will use mymodule/
    • will contact broker specified in app = Celery(broker=...) and join the party
    • used queue (created if it does not exist yet) will be the one specified in @shared_task, inside vhost specified by broker in Celery(broker=...). It must match the que specified in @shared_task

    python -m celery multi start mycelery_nodes -Q myqueue -A mymodule
    • will use mymodule/
    • will contact broker specified in app = Celery(broker=...) and join the party
    • used queue (created if it does not exist yet) will be the one specified in @shared_task, inside vhost specified by broker in Celery(broker=...)
    • from myproject.tasks import add

      result = add.delay(2,2)

      result = add.apply_async((2,2))
    • # celery
      BROKER_URL = 'amqp://myuser:mypassword@localhost/myvhost'
    • from __future__ import absolute_import
      import os
      from celery import Celery
      from django.conf import settings

      # set the default Django settings module for the 'celery' program.
      os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'myproject.settings')

      app = Celery('myproject')

      # Using a string here means the worker will not have to
      # pickle the object when using Windows.

      # access to mysite/*/
      app.autodiscover_tasks(lambda: settings.INSTALLED_APPS)

      # access to mysite/myproject/
      app.autodiscover_tasks(lambda: ('myproject',))

      def debug_task(self):
          print('Request: {0!r}'.format(self.request))
    • from __future__ import absolute_import

      # This will make sure the app is always imported when
      # Django starts so that shared_task will use this app.
      from .celery import app as celery_app
    • from __future__ import absolute_import
      import logging
      from celery import shared_task

      logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

      def add(x, y):
          return x + y
    • from __future__ import absolute_import
      import logging
      from celery import shared_task

      logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

      def mul(x, y):
          return x * y
    celery -A myproject worker -l info

    e.g.: mysite/myapp/
    • from myapp.tasks import mul

      result = mul.delay(3, 4)
  • broker instance worker instance
    client instance monitor instance

    • systemctl start rabbitmq-server.service
    • from any instance with installed celery and access to broker:
      • source env/bin/activate
      • celery -b $(cat rabbitmq.txt) inspect active
    celery -A mymodule worker -Q myqueue -l info -E
    cd mydir

    mydir/myapp/ mydir/myapp/ mydir/ task.state

    import sys
    from celery import Celery

    def my_monitor(app):
        with app.connection() as connection:
            recv =
                    "task-received": announce_received_tasks,
                    "task-started": announce_started_tasks,
                    "task-failed": announce_failed_tasks,
                    "task-succeeded": announce_succeeded_tasks,
                    "task-rejected": announce_rejected_tasks,
                    "task-revoked": announce_revoked_tasks,
                    "task-retried": announce_retried_tasks,
                    "*": state.event,

    def announce_received_tasks(event):
        task = state.tasks.get(event['uuid'])
        print("TASK RECEIVED: %s [%s] [%s] %s" % (, task.uuid, task.state,,))
    • args
    • kwargs
    • retries
    • root_id

    def announce_started_tasks(event):
        task = state.tasks.get(event['uuid'])
        print("TASK STARTED: %s [%s]
    [%s] %s" % (, task.uuid, task.state,,))
    • args
    • kwargs
    • retries
    • root_id

    def will_fail(x, y):
        return a+b

    def will_fail(x, y):
        raise Exception("not working")

    def announce_failed_tasks(event):
        task = state.tasks.get(event['uuid'])
        print("TASK FAILED: %s [%s]
    [%s] %s" % (, task.uuid, task.state,,))
    • args
    • kwargs
    • retries
    • root_id
    • exception (from raisen exception)
      • 'exception': 'NameError("name \'a\' is not defined",)'
      • 'exception': "Exception('not working',)"

    def announce_succeeded_tasks(event):
        task = state.tasks.get(event['uuid'])
        print("TASK SUCCEEDED: %s [%s]
    [%s] %s" % (, task.uuid, task.state,,))
    • args
    • kwargs
    • retries
    • root_id
    • result (from returned value)
    • runtime

    def announce_rejected_tasks(event):
        task = state.tasks.get(event['uuid'])
        print("TASK REJECTED: %s [%s]
    [%s] %s" % (, task.uuid, task.state,,))

    def announce_revoked_tasks(event):
        task = state.tasks.get(event['uuid'])
        print("TASK REVOKED: %s [%s]
    [%s] %s" % (, task.uuid, task.state,,))

    def announce_retried_tasks(event):

  • Migració / Migration
    • Celery 4 Celery 5

      Upgrading from Celery 4.x
      celery.utils.encoding kombu.utils.encoding
      from celery.task import Task from celery import Task
      # decorator
      from celery import task
      # decorator
      from celery import shared_task
  • Next steps
    • Calling tasks
      • ETA and countdown
      • Expiration
        • les tasques van de l'apply_async cap al broker (es pot veure com està la cua del broker amb: rabbitmqctl -p celery_vhost list_queues) i el broker les manté a la cua fins que les pot assignar a un worker
        • el broker no controla aquest temps d'expiració
        • temps d'expiració: si un worker rep tard una tasca (ja és massa tard per a executar-la i la rebutja amb un REVOKED); no és el temps màxim que una tasca pot està executant-se
      • Retry Policy
        • reintents de connexió cap al broker
      • ...
    • Canvas: designing workflows
      • Signatures
        • add.signature(2,2)
        • add.s(2,2)
      • Primitives
        • group
        • chain
        • chord
        • map
        • starmap
        • chunks
    • Routing
    • Remote control
    • Timezone
    • Optimization
  • User Guide
  • Progrés / Progress
  • Problemes / Problems
  • ...

Exemples / Examples

  • Python Command Line Arguments Examples
    • Basic python script structure

    • list of arguments
      number of arguments

      import sys
      # including script
      # including script
      sys.argv[0] sys.argv[1]
      import sys, getopt

          myopts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],"i:o:")
      except getopt.GetoptError as e:
          print (str(e))
          print("Usage: %s -i input -o output" % sys.argv[0])
      for o, a in myopts:
          if o == '-i':
          elif o == '-o':


      import argparse
      import textwrap

      #parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='ADD YOUR DESCRIPTION HERE')

      # RawDescriptionHelpFormatter: only description
      RawTextHelpFormatter: description and arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
                                       First line
                                       and second line
      parser.add_argument('-i','--input', help='Input file name', required=True)

      parser.add_argument('-t','--title', metavar='titol', help='Input file name', required=False)

      parser.add_argument('-n','--number', type=int, help='Input file name', required=True)
      # list:
      parser.add_argument('-l','--list', action='append', help='<Required> Set flag', required=True)
      parser.add_argument('first_parameter', help='...')

      parser.add_argument('--disable', dest='is_enabled', action='store_false', required=False)
      parser.add_argument('-t', '--title', metavar='titol',
                          help='title to be put in field s= in sdp file',
      args = parser.parse_args()
      print("parameter_1: {0}".format(args.parameter_1))
      print("title: {0}".format(args.titol))

  • print
    • print ("nombre_args: %d" % nombre_args)
  • Fusió d'intervals / Merge intervals


  • Comparison of integrated development environments: Python (wp)
  • IDLE (wp)
  • PyDev (Eclipse)
    • Installation
      • Help -> Install new software -> Add ...:
        • PyDev -
      • PyDev Perspective
        • PyDev Package Explorer
          • Top Level Elements: Projects
    • Django
    • New project
      • workspace: ~/src/djcode/
      • project name: nom_projecte
      • will create (according to new directory layout in Django 1.4):
        • ~/src/djcode/
          • nom_projecte/
            • .project
              • <name>nom_projecte</name>
            • .pydevproject
            • sqlite.db
            • nom_projecte/
              • ...
      • nom_projecte can be renamed to nom_projecte_pare (if you get the error "out of sync with file system", do a Refresh) (but DATABASES in is not updated):
        • ~/src/djcode/
          • nom_projecte_pare/
            • .project
              • <name>nom_projecte_pare</name>
            • .pydevproject
            • sqlite.db
            • nom_projecte/
              • ...
      • les noves aplicacions (nom_projecte_pare -> Django -> create new app) es crearan dins de nom_projecte (de fet, dins del directori especificat a .pydevproject com a DJANGO_MANAGE_LOCATION)
    • virtualenv
      • Integrar Virtualenv con Eclipse (PyDev)
      • Pydev and virtualenv
      • passos / steps
        • general configuration:
          • Window -> Preferences -> PyDev -> Interpreter - Python: New...
            • Interpreter Name: python-PYTHON27
            • Interpreter Executable: /opt/PYTHON27/bin/python
        • on your project:
          • Properties -> PyDev - Interpreter/Grammar
            • Interpreter: python-PYTHON27
    • Editor
    • Format de codi / Code format
      • Window -> Preferences
        • PyDev
          • Editor
            • Code Style
              • Code Formatters
                • Formatter style: Black
                • Black executable: Search in interpreter
                  • black must be installed
                    • option 1: in interpreter:
                      • source env/bin/activate
                        pip install black
                    • option 2: globally using pipx
                      • ...
            • Save Actions
              • Auto-format editor contents before saving
    • Problemes / Problems
      • PyDev Package Explorer
        • Warning: Top level elements set to working sets but no working sets are defined
          Access the menu (Ctrl+F10) to change to show projects or create a working set
          • Solució
            • cliqueu sobre els tres pics verticals («View Menu») de la finestra «PyDev Package Explorer»
              • Top Level Elements:
                • Projects
      • debugging suspends on caught exceptions ("VariableDoesNotExist: Failed lookup for key...") related to Django templates:
        • Solució / Solution
          • PyDev -> Manage exception breakpoints
            • Uncheck: "Suspend on django template render exceptions"
      • Unable to read repository at Transport initialization error..
        • Solution:
          • rm ~/.eclipse
          • eclipse
      • Unresolved import
        • Solució / Solution:
          • select project -> right click -> PyDev -> Remove PyDev Project Config
          • File -> Restart
      • New added library (e.g. by using pip) not detected
        • Solution:
          • Window -> Preferences -> PyDev -> Interpreter - Python Interpreter -> Remove -> AutoConfig
      • when selecting a class: __module_not_in_the_pythonpath__
        • Solució / Solution:
          • right click on project:
            • PyDev -> Set as Source Folder (add to PYTHONPATH)
      • when running: Reference to undefined variable DJANGO_MANAGE_LOCATION
        • Solució / Solution
    • Existing code (1.3)
      • djcode/
        • mysite/
          • mystite.db
          • polls/

Concurrència / Concurrency


  • tkinter


Google API

Primera versió: / First version: 24 VIII 2015
Darrera modificació: 6 de maig de 2024 / Last update: 6th May 2024

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